Friday, March 7, 2008

Here is Now

If I could fly

I wonder where I'd go

Anywhere but here

That's all I know

There is better

I'd be more fulfilled

I'd be more appreciated

I'd be more thrilled

Oh! I can fly

Never tried to before

Always felt as if

I could do nothing more

There is closer

It's close enough to touch

I'll soon have everything

I've wanted so much

I love to fly

'tis the greatest feeling

It gives me such joy

And it's so fulfilling

There will be here

Here will be there

Nothing's impossible

To those without fear

I have to fly

I can't bear to fail

I must reach the future

By effort or sheer will

Am I there yet?

Here is endless

There must be better

Here is friendless

I hate to fly

It's too tiring

If I don't fly, I fall

And falling is failing

There is too far

I should have been by now

Here's a place to rest

I'm going down

I used to fly

I've never knew I could

I don't fly like I must

I fly like I should

Here is there

I get it now

Here is everything

Here is now

1 comment:

I am said...

Dare to Dream but
Maximize the Moment
Shoot for the Sky but
Live in the Now

True cliches one and all.